“Scholars who want to define ‘Amhara’ usually start with Nebure Id Ermias Kebede’s exegesis. Nebure Id Ermias defines Amhara:
‘The word Amhara is a traditional name given to the majority of the country’s indigenous people for a purpose that has a message and a meaning. The word was taken from Geez. In Geez, Am means ‘people’ and hara means ‘free.’ Thus, the literal meaning of the term Amhara is ‘free people.’ This definition clearly shows that this is one of the characteristics that express the identity of a true Ethiopian.’”

Since April the Ethiopian government, in the form of the ENDF (Ethiopian National Defense Force) have been engaged in violent clashes throughout the Amhara region in Ethiopia, with the volunteer force known as Fano.
The ENDF have used drones, tanks and heavy artillery against Fano freedom fighters, resulting, inevitably in the death of hundreds of civilians. “It is difficult to quantify the damage done….Many corpses are entering the hospital,” a doctor at the Bahir Dar Yelk Hayat Referral Hospital, told the BBC.
Associated Press (AP),14 August, reported that, “at least 70 civilians have been killed in drone attacks in Fenote Selam town in Ethiopia’s Amhara regional state.”AP confirmed that the “Ethiopian air force …carried out the drone attacks in Bure town [13 August] and killed an undisclosed number of civilians and injured several others.”