Eskender Nega's Message

የግንባሩ ዓላማ:-
1. የአማራ ሕዝብ ራሱን ከጅምላ ፍጅት (ጄኖሳይድ) ለመከላከል የሚያደርገውን የህልውና ትግል ቀዳሚ መነሻ ማድረግ፤
2. የአማራ ሕዝብ የህልውና ማስጠበቅ ትግል መዳረሻው የኢትዮጵያን እንደሃገር ለሚቀጥለው ትውልድ ማስተላለፍ፤
3. ለአማራ ሕዝብም ሆነ ለኢትዮጵያ የህልውና ስጋት የሆነውን ህገ-መንግስት ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ አብሮነት ዋስትና በሚሰጥ መንገድ እንዲቀየር ማድረግ፤
4. በሕዝባዊ ትግል ነፃ በሚወጡና የብልፅግና ፓርቲ አስተዳደር በሚፈረሰባቸው ቦታዎች ከሀገር ሽማግሌዎች፣ ከፋኖ እና የሕዝቡን ትግል ከተቀላቀሉ ሹማምንት በተውጣጡ አካላት የአካባቢ አሥተዳደሮችን መመሥረት፤
5. በሚቋቋሙት የአካባቢ አሥተዳደሮች አማካኝነት የሕዝብን ሠላም፣ ዲሞክራሲያዊ መብቶችና ፀጥታ ማስጠበቅ፤
6. በአማራ ሕዝብ ላይ ያንዣበበውን የጅምላ የዘር ፍጅት (ጄኖሳይድ) እና የሀገር ብተናን አደጋ ለመግታት ከሚንቀሳቀሱ ሀገራዊ እና ዓለም አቀፋዊ ኃይሎች ጋር ተባብሮ መስራት ናቸው።
The purpose of the front:
1. APF sets the Amhara people struggle for existence as the primary core objective and protect the Amhara people from genocide;
2. The Amhara people struggle for survival will ultimately evolve to protect Ethiopia as a country and pass it to the next generation;
3. Changing the constitution, which is a threat to the survival of both the Amhara people and Ethiopia, in a way that guarantees the unity of the Ethiopian people;
4. APF will establish local administrations in the areas that are freed by the people's struggle made up of the elders, Fano and officials who joined the people's struggle;
5. Through the newly established local administrations the public peace, democratic rights and security will be protected;
6. APF is working together with national and international forces to stop the threat of national disintegration and genocide that is looming over the Amhara people.
Our Leaders from Within and Outside

Eskinder Nega
Eskinder Nega is the founder and leader of the Amhara Popular Front (APF). He is a journalist, blogger, and human rights activist turned to politician. He is known for his critical reporting on the Ethiopian government and his advocacy for press freedom and democratic reforms in Ethiopia. Eskinder has been an outspoken critic of the Ethiopian government's policies and has been involved in various media outlets and initiatives promoting free speech. Eskinder Nega has faced numerous challenges and legal troubles due to his activism. He has been arrested several times by Ethiopian authorities for his journalism and activism, often under charges related to terrorism or incitement. He has spent a significant amount of time in prison as a result of his efforts to promote freedom of expression. Despite the hardships he has faced, Eskinder Nega continues to be a prominent voice for human rights and democracy in Ethiopia. His dedication to press freedom and his unwavering commitment to speaking out against injustice have made him a respected figure both in Ethiopia and internationally. A fearless journalist and politician, known for his peaceful struggle stance, and tested and exposed the Abiy`s Oromummaa regime that there will not be any free, meaningful and peaceful political transition in the country under his watch, absent pressures from donor countries and a broad based mass resistance movement.

Dawit Woldegiorgis
Major Dawit Woldegiorgis is a graduate of the Harer Military academy and Debrezit air force base (trained as an airborne officer). His first assignment was in Eritrea. He later studied at Haile Selassie university and graduated with an LLB, followed by a law degree from Columbia university. Under the Derg, he worked as a deputy foreign minister, as a representative of the Ethiopian Workers Party, as governor of Eritrea, and then as a commissioner of the Ethiopian famine relief program. Knowing his life was in danger, he left Ethiopia in 1985 to the USA and continued to be an active and dominant voice against the repressive regimes of Derg, TPLF and now Abiy's Oromummaa.

“I know Mr. Dawit Woldegiorgis very well—during the most difficult times of Ethiopia he has shown great love, compassion and concern for the people. He was always ready to help our sisters in the service of the poor they serve.” Mother Teresa
የአማራ ህዝባዊ ግንባር በዋሽንግተንና አካባቢው ታላቅ ህዝባዊ ውይይት አካሄደ
ዶ/ር ልዑል አስፋወሰን አሥራተ በመላው አውሮፓ እንዲሁም በአፍሪካ የግንባሩ የውጭ ጉዳይን ሙሉ ሐላፊነትን ተረከቡ
July 16, 2023, ፍራንክፈት ከተማ ዛሬ እሁድ በዶ/ር ልዑል አስፋወሰን አሥራተ ካሳ የዓማራ ሕዝባዊ ግንባር የውጪ ድጋፍ አስተባባሪና ከልኡል ዶ/ር አስፋወሰን አስራተ ካሳ ጋር በተደረገው ምክክር በሻለቃ ዳዊት የቀረበላቸውን ሐሳብ ተቀብለው የአማራ ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ወክለው በመላው አውሮፓ እንዲሁም በአፍሪካ የግንባሩ የውጭ ጉዳይን ሙሉ ሐላፊነትን ወስደው ለማቀነባበር መስማማታቸውን ስናበስር በታላቅ ድስታ ነው!!! በዚህም ውሳኔአቸው በዐለም አቀፍ የሚደረገውን ትግል ወደ ተለየ ከፍታ አሸጋግረውታል::