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Abiy Ahmed's Military Actions in the Amhara Region Claim More Innocent Lives

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Abiy Ahmed’s regime has once again plunged the nation into sorrow by authorizing military-led drone attacks on the tranquil towns of Finote-Selam and Bure in the Amhara region today. The outcome has been tragic, resulting in the loss of at least 40 innocent civilian lives and leaving hundreds more injured. It is reported that on the previous Monday, August 7, 2023, Abiy Ahmed's regime launched a similar drone attack on the city of Debre Birhan. In recent days, Abiy Ahmed’s forces have also massacred over 400 innocent civilians in the historical town of Gondar and Bahir Dar - the regional capital.

This incident marks a distressing shift as the nation's attention is redirected from the tumultuous Tigray Region to a new theater of conflict. Following the aftermath of a devastating war in the country’s north, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's regime has initiated another full-fledged offensive in the Amhara region of Ethiopia. The implications of this move are grave, with over 50 million inhabitants of the region finding themselves subjected to unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the violent regime. The regime's federal forces, employing an array of lethal weaponry including tanks, artillery, fighter planes, and drones, have inflicted a heavy toll, leading to the loss of thousands of civilian lives in the last two weeks.

The Amhara Popular Front (APF) remains steadfast in its call for immediate action from the international community, holding Abiy Ahmed's regime accountable for war crimes. The APF urges the United Nations, the African Union, and other global bodies to vociferously denounce this ongoing genocidal campaign against the Amhara people. The need for swift intervention and condemnation cannot be overstated, as the well-being and survival of an entire population hangs in the balance.

The APF also appeals to international allies, including influential nations such as the United States and the European Union, to take a stand against these grave transgressions. The APF calls for the imposition of stringent sanctions on the regime led by Abiy Ahmed, sending a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. Furthermore, the international community is implored to extend much-needed humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered Amhara people, providing a ray of hope amidst the darkness that currently shrouds the region.

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